Item Comparison

Use Item Comparison to compare your bid with a specific contractor and a specific item. You can choose to compare your bid to the contractor, the item, or both.

Click the advantage tab.  The Bid Express® service opens the Bid Express Advantage feature. You must have a valid Infotech® Digital ID and submitted at least one bid for a proposal in order to use this service.  The Advantage feature is part of the Analysis Suite service.

Select item comparison.

Because you can have different bidder IDs associated with your account, use the Select Bidder ID field to choose the ID that you wish to use to compare items. 

You can either compare a contractor or compare an item. When you enter information in either the Select Contractor or Select Item field, the other field is disabled.

  1. Enter the name of the contractor to whom you want to compare your bid.  You can enter the name directly or press the down arrow of your keyboard to see a list of all contractors in your time frame, or,

  2. Enter the item to which you want to compare your bid. 

  3. Enter the beginning date of your search parameters in the Start Date field.

  4. Enter the last date of your search parameters in the End Date field.

  5. Click search.


When you search by contractor, the Advantage service displays a list of items upon which the contractor has bid, plus the item description and unit. The Count column displays the number of times the contractor has bid on the item. Items are listed numerically by item number.

Once the list of items bid on by the selected contractor displays, you can filter the list for a specific item by entering that item in the Select Item field, or you can click the row for an item in the Item Comparison list to see the Item Comparison Results page, sorted by proposal number.


If you are searching for an item, Advantage displays a list of vendors who also bid on that item and the number of times the item was bid upon. The vendors are listed in alphanumeric order.

You can filter the list for a specific contractor by entering that contractor name in the Select Contractor field. Select the contractor in the Item Comparison list to whom you want to compare your item bids. The Bid Express service opens the Item Comparison Results page and displays the ranges of bid prices for the item.

Click one of the following topics for more information:

Contractor Search Results

Item Search Results
