Bidding Services

After you register for a Bid Express® account or any time after your account is activated, you can subscribe to the different Bid Express services. This is a monthly subscription, charged when you sign up and on the first of each month.

You also enter your billing information on this page.

Your credit card expiration date should be entered with the two-digit month and the four-digit year. When all the required information is entered, click submit. If there are no errors in your services and account information, the Bid Express service accepts the changes and goes to the Bid Express home page.

Basic Service

The Bid Express Basic Service allows you to view and download complete and detailed bid information from all agencies using the Bid Express service. The Bid Express service also provides a complete schedule of items for each contract and the eligible bidders and plan holders lists (where available). You also gain free access to the AASHTOWare Project Bids Bid component that allows you to prepare your bids electronically. Enter unit prices and the quantity computations are done for you with built-in error checking functions that make your bids virtually error-free.

Internet Bidding

When your bid is prepared using the Bid component, you can use the Bid Express Internet Bidding service to submit it over the internet. Your bid is encrypted, signed by your unique Infotech® Digital ID, and held in a lock box until the bid opening by the agency. You can withdraw or replace your bid up until the last minute - making it easy to accommodate last minute price changes. The service also conducts online verification of bid bonds through surety agencies, though you can still use a paper bid bond. You can obtain a bid bond verification code from your surety agency.

Bid Tab Analysis Service

There are many variables that can affect an item's cost and there is often little time to do research. The Bid Tab Analysis service allows you to view past bid prices and use this information as a guide to help you in pricing.

With the service, you can view historical low, average and high prices for items in a variety of formats, including by proposal, by item and by contractor. You can perform many different analyses quickly and easily access bid tab data from most agencies.

Bid Express Advantage Service

Offered only to users of the Bid Tab Analysis service, the Bid Express Advantage service allows a user to compare its bid with a competitor's bid.

Online Plan Sheet Service

The Online Plan Sheet service gives you access to plan sheets. They can be viewed online, downloaded to your computer, printed in your office to an office printer, or ordered and shipped to you (for an additional fee). With this service, you can:

The Bid Express service keeps a record for the agency of contractors that downloaded or ordered plan sheets. You can see which agencies use the plan sheet service by clicking Agencies using Plan Sheets on the Services page. This list shows agencies that have uploaded plan sheets in the past six months.

Billing Information

Enter your billing information in the appropriate fields.  Anything marked with a red asterisk is required.

Enter the credit card to be charged for the selected Bid Express services.