Item Comparison Contractor Search Results

When you search by contractor, the Bid Express® system displays a list of items upon which the contractor has bid.  Select an item to see the Item Comparison Results for the selected contractor.

The Bid Express service displays comparisons of each proposal that contains both the item and a bid by the contractor. The comparisons also includes the quantity bid and the bid price.

The header displays the item number, unit and description of the item being compared. It also shows the range in price, quantity and dates with slider guides that can be used to widen or narrow the comparison parameters.  

The table displays the letting date and proposal where the item appeared, the quantity bid for each proposal, and a variance bar showing by how much your bid was over or under the comparison bid. Your bid value is represented by a diamond while the bid of the selected contractor is represented by a circle.

Click any of the variance bars to see the Item Comparison Details page.