Manage Digital ID - Status

Once your Infotech® Digital ID is created, even if it has not yet been approved, there are a variety of things you can do, such as update, replace, or remove your Digital ID.

  1. Click the mybidx icon in the upper right corner. The Bid Express® service brings you to the My Bidx page.

  2. Click Digital IDs in the Account Services section.

  3. Click the status of the ID in the Status column.

There are several things you can do on this page. If you do not see a particular option, your Digital ID may not be in the correct stage to see that option.

Upload State ID, Driver's License or Passport: Use this option if you are using the Bid component of the AASHTOWare Project Bids™ module to verify your identity. Click browse and navigate to the location of the file containing a picture of your ID. Select the file and click open. Then click upload. When your file is successfully uploaded, a check mark displays. A member of the Bid Express customer support team will call you as soon as possible, but within three to five working days, to get verbal confirmation that you have submitted an ID for the AASHTOWare Bid component. If you are not available to take the call, the team member will leave instructions on how to confirm your submission.

Continue Creating Digital ID:  Use this option if you were interrupted when you began creating your Digital ID.

Renew Digital ID: Use this option if your ID is set to expire. There is no additional fee to regenerate the Digital ID if it is done before the expiration date. If you use more than one computer or device for bidding, you must upload the newly generated ID to each machine through the Bid component of the AASHTOWare Project Bids software.

Replace Digital ID: Use this option if you've forgotten your Digital ID password or if you are on a new computer and do not have access to your backup Digital ID. The Bid Express service cannot reset or replace your password. You will need to pay the $100 processing fee to replace your ID. You'll have 30 days to upload a photo ID.

Update Digital ID: If your Digital ID contains incorrect information, update it to fix the problem. There is no charge to update the ID.

Remove Digital ID: If you no longer need a specific Digital ID on your account, you may remove it.  This may remove the monthly charge from your account and will also prevent you from using the ID to submit bids electronically. There is no way to reactivate the ID once it has been removed.