Bidders Search

The Bidders Search searches the bidder ID, address or other information related to a bidder.  The Bidders search results can be sorted by bidder ID, name, address, city or state.

The Bidders search will also show a company’s obsolete status. If you are listed as obsolete, you won’t be able to bid on any proposal for that agency. Please contact your agency for how to remedy the obsolete status. The agency should provide you with instructions to rectify the situation and remove the obsolete tag. Your company must be listed as current to be able to submit your bid to the agency.

Information entered by the agency will not be available for searching until the start of the next business day.

Find Your Bidder ID

Use the Bidders search to find your bidder ID.

  1. Click the search tab.

  2. Click Bidders.

  3. Enter your business name (as it's registered with the agency) in the Bidder Keywords field.

The system displays the businesses that match the name. Your bidder ID will be part of that display. You can also use the advanced search to add city, state, or other

criteria to your search.

If your bidder ID isn’t listed, please contact your agency.

Search Results

If there are more than 20 records found, use the arrows above the State column to see additional records. You can also sort any of the columns by clicking the column heading.  

You can export the search results by selecting Export (csv) or Export (tab) to the right of the page. Open or save the results from the File Download window.

If you are using a state as your search criteria, enter the state abbreviation and not the state name.

Basic Search

Follow these instructions to use the basic search function:

  1. Click the bidders page on the search tab if you are not already there.

  2. Enter at least four characters of your search criteria in the Keywords field. Separate all values within one field with a comma.

The Bid Express® service starts searching the records immediately and lists all bidders that contain the search criteria.

Advanced Search

You can use the advanced function to narrow the search using the information that you know. The advanced search accepts the * wildcard as a placeholder if you do not know the correct spelling.  For example, if you are not sure if a bidder's name is Barber or Barbor, you can search for Barb*r to find it.

Follow these instructions to use the advanced search function:

  1. Click the bidders page on the search tab if you are not already there.

  2. Click Advanced.

  3. Enter the search criteria in all applicable fields.  

The Bid Express service starts searching the records immediately and lists all bidders that contain the search criteria.