Bid Summary

Once a proposal's deadline has passed and the bids have been opened, you can see the bid summary for the proposal. The summary shows the bid amount for each bidder.  The bid summary is posted at the discretion of the agency, so it may not be available in every state.

  1. Select the letting date of the proposal on the lettings tab.

  2. If you are looking at the bid summary for the letting, select Bid Summary from the Also Available section.  

  3. If not, select the proposal and then select Bid Summary from the Also Available section.  

The Bid Express® service opens the Bid Summary page.

Click on the Bidder Name to see the bidder information. You can export the bid summary into either a CSV file or a tab-separated value file by selecting the desired export option.  

When you are finished, click the letting date in the navigation trail to return to the list of lettings.